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Non-surgical and surgical treatments for a more youthful neck

Non-surgical and surgical treatments for a more youthful neck

Non-surgical and surgical treatments for a more youthful neck

As you age your neck can start to make you look older than you are and, or feel. You may have started to become self-conscious about your neck after seeing photographs or glancing downwards when on a webcam. Dr. Gregory Pisarski offers a variety of methods that will help to give you back a more youthful neck and jawline. During your consultation, he will discuss the elements of your neck that bother you and then tailor his approach, to use one or a combination of the most appropriate methods. The goal therefore, is to produce the best possible outcome for each individual, dependent on their specific requirements.

Neck composition

The neck consists of three layers, skin, fatty tissue, and muscles, all of which can change as we grow older. This could mean all three need altering or a combination of any of the layers need to be altered.

Non-Surgical neck contouring options

Reverse photoaging (sun damage)

Sun damage can make skin look older and age the entire neck, this damage also often continues into the décolletage. Dr. Gregory Pisarski recommends retexturing techniques to reverse the signs of sun damage and bring back a youthful appearance to the neck and décolletage (upper breast area).

What are skin/acid peels?

Skin/acid peels consist of one or a combination of alpha-hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid, and salicylic acid and come in three levels.

  • Superficial acid peels, help to reduce age-related dullness, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and sun damage, by stripping away the outer layer of the skin surface.
  • Medium acid peels, help to reduce fine lines, in addition to reducing age-related dullness, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and sun damage, by stripping away the outer and middle layers of skin.
  • Deep acid peels, help to reduce fine and deeper lines, in addition to reducing scarring, age-related dullness, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and sun damage, by stripping away the outer, middle, and deeper layers of skin.
What is Radio Frequency (RF) Micro-needling?

RF Micro-needling is a relatively new advancement, using a device consisting of a cluster of tiny needles to penetrate the skin, delivering radio frequency energy. RF Micro-needling works by stimulating the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which helps to fill out acne scars, lines and wrinkles, as well as brightening the skin surface.

What is Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment? 

IPL treatment utilizes high-intensity pulses of light that penetrate the middle layers of skin (dermis). This treatment helps to improve hyperpigmentation, age spots, and port-wine stains, broken facial capillaries, and rosacea (redness in the cheeks), as well as reducing the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

What is Clear + Brilliant® micro fraction laser?

Clear & Brilliant®, also referred to as Baby Fraxel, is a fractional laser treatment that targets the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Treatment with Clear + Brilliant micro fraction laser helps to improve hyperpigmentation, age spots, and the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Reduce neck-lines (bands)

Dysport® is an injectable treatment that utilizes neurotoxin to relax the muscle. This is an excellent treatment to help reduce the appearance of bands or the multiple lines around the neck, that become more noticeable, as we age.

Minimally invasive surgical neck contouring options

As we grow older a fatty pad under the jaw can make the jaw appear less defined, therefore, aging the face.

What is liposculpture?

Liposculpture is a type of liposuction, that is performed to suction out fat deposits located between skin and muscle. Liposculpture achieves this by using very thin metal tubes inserted in strategic places through small incisions.


A newer technique, favored by Dr. Gregory Pisarski is a procedure called, MyEllevate®. MyEllevate® is a neck tightening procedure, which can produce the same results as a surgical neck lift, in the right patients.

What is MyEllevate®?

MyEllevate® is a procedure that requires only 8 small incisions (holes) to insert a suture matrix. This is weaved through to provide a suture suspension, that tightens the skin and jawline, to provide more defined and youthful contours. MyEllevate® is a real game-changer and has very manageable downtime. The patient will only need to wear a chin strap for a couple of days and a neck collar for 10 days. The neck collar can also be safely removed for short periods, for washing, and even during meetings.

What are the risks and complications associated with MyEllevate®?

The most common risks and complications are minimal bruising and swelling.

More rare risks include hematomas and, or seromas, nerve damage, and infection. Dr. Gregory Pisarski has not to date, had any of these types of complications occur in his patients, following a MyEllevate® procedure.

All of the non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures offered by Dr. Gregory Pisarski are performed under local anesthetic, in the office.

Surgical neck lift (Platysmaplasty) 

When there is a greater degree of skin laxity and severe muscle bands, or deeper lines around the neck, Dr. Gregory Pisarski may recommend a surgical neck lift.

A surgical neck lift is often combined with a QuickLift®, facelift procedure.

Can a surgical neck lift be performed under a local anesthetic?

Dr. Gregory Pisarski often performs surgical neck lifts under local anesthetic at his office. Occasionally, depending on the degree of correction required, he may recommend a general anesthetic. To perform a surgical neck lift, small incisions are made behind each ear and under the chin. Severe muscle bands or deeper lines around the neck are eliminated by tightening the neck muscles. Excess skin is removed, to create more defined neck and jaw contours. When required, excess fat is also removed with liposculpture.

What are the risks and complications associated with a surgical neck lift?

The most common risks and complications are bruising and swelling.

Hematomas and, or seromas, nerve damage, and infection are possible, however, these complications are far less likely, when the surgery is performed with extreme care and precision by Dr. Gregory Pisarski.

Is there any difference between neck lift procedures for men and women?

Dr. Gregory Pisarski tailors his approach for each individual, regardless of whether you are male or female or your gender identity.

Generally, women have thinner neck skin that shows banding or lines, more and less defined jawlines. Men tend to have thicker skin, heavier necks, and stronger jawlines. Therefore, men and women require a different approach or, and combination of procedures, to meet individual requirements.

Why choose Dr. Gregory Pisarski?

Dr. Gregory Pisarski is a triple board certified surgeon, with over 2 decades of experience, using a wide variety of techniques. All of the options provided by Dr. Gregory Pisarski have been performed on numerous occasions.

Why does Board certification matter?

Board certification has to be maintained and requires the surgeon to recertify every 10 years. To pass certification requirements, surgeons are required to partake in continuing education and demonstrate understanding and experience of advancements within the plastic surgery field.