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Dear Dr P: ‘What is the Downtime with Smartlipo™?’

Q: I would like to have Smartlipo on my outer thighs, a stubborn area that is not responding to losing weight and working out. The problem is that I can’t take a lot of time off from work. I also work out in the gym 5 times a week. What is the downtime and recovery like?

A: Smartlipo is a great option for people who are not significantly overweight and complain of unwanted areas of localized fat. The outer thighs or “saddle bags” are a common complaint for women. Smartlipo can also treat other areas of the body including the upper arms, male breasts, abdomen, love handles, back, and knees.

Following Smartlipo, rest and relaxation are recommended. You will wear a compression garment 24/7 for 2 weeks and then will slowly wean off it over the next few weeks. Gradually, normal activities are resumed. Many patients have the procedure on a Thursday and are back to work on Monday. You won’t be able to exercise for approximately 2 weeks and when you return to it, you will need to gradually build back up to your normal program. Temporary bruising, swelling and discomfort of the treated areas are normal for a few weeks.

Smartlipo is performed under local anesthetic in the office. In Smartlipo, a laser placed under the skin melts the fat cells and destroys them. The melted fat is then gently suctioned out.  Smartlipo also induces collagen production – which leaves the skin tighter. There is significantly less bleeding, swelling and bruising than with traditional liposuction.

The results are visible immediately; and your shape will continue to improve over a period of several months. Because the procedure permanently destroys the fat, only one treatment is necessary. If you are interested in this procedure, please call my patient counselor Carly to set up a consultation. For more information, visit our website at Like us on Facebook to stay current with our specials.

Dr. P