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5 Things to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Augmentation

5 Things to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Augmentation

5 Things to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Augmentation

Undergoing surgery can be intimidating for many of us, and breast implants are no exception. Whether you are approaching your appointment or are in the initial stages of planning, a few considerations can help offer reassurance and answers ahead of your augmentation.

1. Be Sure of Your Motive

One of the most important things you need to do before your surgery is ascertain your motivations. Why are you deciding to undergo surgery? Experts claim that many individuals make their biggest mistake in having surgery to impress someone else – the motivation should always be internal.

You will also need to make sure that you are a good candidate – no matter how excited you are, this treatment is not suitable for everyone. In order to be a good fit, you will need to be in generally good health, with no active infections.

2. Research Your Surgeon

Breast augmentation is a significant procedure. It is crucial that you research your surgeon thoroughly before the operation – this is one of the most important considerations. In the early stages of your planning, make sure that you conduct an extensive background check on the potential surgeons, looking at their reputation, past reviews, education, and areas of expertise. Make sure that you are entirely comfortable with your choice and ask plenty of questions before settling on a surgeon.

A few key concerns to address include the accreditation and reputation of the facility and the surgeon, their previous work, and questions about the procedure, such as size and shape of incision, how long the implants last, potential complications, the expected results, and the recovery period.

3. Choose the Right Size

It can be tempting to simply opt for the largest possible size, but it is imperative to go for implants suitable for your body shape and size. If you select implants that are too large, you may end up with neck or back pain, in addition to curvature of the spine, lumps in the skin, friction rashes, and pains in the arm. It is also crucial to pick the correct type of implant – the two main options are saline and silicone. Each of these has their own advantages and disadvantages, so make sure you take the time to discuss these with your surgeon and select the best option for your body. As a rule, silicone is thought to look and feel more natural and tends to be very popular.

4. Don’t Forget About Follow Up.

Remember not to focus entirely on the surgery – you also need to take the time to consider a follow-up. Communicate with your surgeon and learn more about the post-surgery assistance they provide. Make sure you keep in touch with your surgeon, follow their post-surgery advice, take proper precautions, and schedule an appointment if you notice any side effects. Choosing the right surgeon can definitely help you achieve your goal, but proper communication is the key!

5. Don’t Rush Your Recovery.

While most breast implants go without a hitch, there may be a few side effects, including sensitive nipples, bruising, and swelling, and tightness in the chest. Always check with your surgeon if you have concerns. It is essential to allow your body plenty of time to heal and rest after your surgery. Avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise and stay away from anything that may impact the chest area. Taking the time to heal properly is crucial and will reduce the chances of complications.

Are you looking for a Breast Augmentation? You came to the right place. You can talk to Dr. Pisarski, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon in Lake Jackson, Texas. Dr. Pisarski is very excited to meet you and see if you qualify for safe treatment or surgery. Call Dr. Pisarski, Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery today at 979-297-9289 to arrange your consultation with an experienced Lake Jackson, Texas plastic surgeon.