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Gynecomastia in Lake Jackson, TX

Are You Considering Gynecomastia Treatment?

Are you a male dealing with gynecomastia living in Lake Jackson, Bay City, Angleton, or Houston areas? Do you want to learn about how much the surgery might cost you? Dr. Pisarski, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon, offers this and numerous other procedures for men to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
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What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition where men have enlarged breasts that can result from having excess skin, fat, or glandular tissue. Men will complain of having a solid, rubbery like mass underneath the nipple area causing a puffy look. This can be caused by genetics, steroid use, or other factors. Gynecomastia can cause men to be self-conscious about the appearance and size of their breasts. At Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, we specialize in surgical techniques that can help patients overcome gynecomastia for good.

women smiling

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can result from a variety of factors, often related to hormonal imbalances between estrogen and testosterone. These imbalances can be caused by:

  • Natural Hormonal Changes: Gynecomastia is most commonly associated with puberty, aging, and other natural periods of hormonal adjustment.
  • Medications: Certain medications can lead to gynecomastia, including anti-androgens, anabolic steroids, HIV medication, anti-anxiety medication, and some antibiotics.
  • Health Conditions: Liver and kidney disease, thyroid disorders, and tumors can affect hormone levels, contributing to gynecomastia.
  • Substance Use: Alcohol, marijuana, and some recreational drugs are linked to the development of gynecomastia.
  • Weight Gain: Obesity can lead to increased estrogen production, which may cause or exacerbate gynecomastia

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How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. This procedure involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more traditionally masculine chest contour. The specific surgical approach may vary depending on the severity of the gynecomastia and may include liposuction, excision, or a combination of both.

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery?

While non-surgical methods may offer temporary relief or slight improvement in the appearance of gynecomastia, they do not guarantee permanent resolution. If you are not ready for surgery, you may want to consider some of the following strategies:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Weight loss through diet and exercise can reduce the appearance of gynecomastia in cases where excess fat is a contributing factor.
  • Medication: In some instances, medications that adjust hormone levels may be recommended to address underlying hormonal imbalances.
  • Compression Garments: Compression shirts can temporarily minimize the appearance of gynecomastia, offering a non-invasive way to manage the condition day-to-day.
  • The only permanent solution for eliminating gynecomastia is through surgical intervention. Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, is specifically designed to remove both the excess fatty and glandular tissue, offering a long-lasting, often permanent, resolution to the condition.
smiling women in white shirt and open hair

How Do I Know if Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for Me?

Gynecomastia surgery is ideal for patients who are struggling with excess, fatty tissue in the chest that has failed to respond to diet and exercise. Male patients who are looking to achieve a flatter, firmer, and more sculpted appearance in the chest are typically good candidates for gynecomastia surgery. However, the best way to determine your candidacy for gynecomastia surgery is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Pisarski of Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Pisarski will help you evaluate if gynecomastia surgery is right for you.

What Happens During a Gynecomastia Consultation?

During your consultation for the gynecomastia treatment, you’ll meet with Dr. Pisarski at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery. During this consultation, Dr. Pisarski will take the time to understand your aesthetic goals, review your medical history, and conduct a physical examination to determine which procedures will best achieve your desired results. The consultation is an opportunity for Dr. Pisarski to evaluate if gynecomastia surgery is the best fit for you, and gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the gynecomastia procedure. If you are interested in gynecomastia surgery, Dr. Pisarski will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your goals, and will then explain what you can expect from the treatment process.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

Gynecomastia treatment costs in Houston and Lake Jackson are individualized to your specific goals. Because your treatment will be individualized to address your personal cosmetic goals, the exact cost of treatment will vary based on the customizations made for your treatment plan. In order to determine the cost of your gynecomastia surgery, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pisarski of Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery. After developing your personalized treatment plan, he’ll be able to explain the exact costs associated with your treatment. For your convenience, Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery is proud to offer multiple payment options, including cash, credit card, check, money order, and financing through CareCredit®.

Gynecomastia is not a condition that any man has to tolerate. Think gynecomastia surgery and treatment is right for you? Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, led by Dr. Pisarski, welcomes patients in Lake Jackson, Houston, Bay City and Angleton areas. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with the treatment method best suited for you. Contact us to schedule a consultation