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What Makes SmartLipo™ So Smart?

What Makes SmartLipo™ So Smart?

Smartlipo and liposuction have a major benefit in common, both procedures remove unwanted fat in those stubborn areas where we just can’t shed the bulges and provide contour to the body. These procedures have been available for years, backed by research and clinical...
Injectable Filler for Mouth Rejuvenation

Injectable Filler for Mouth Rejuvenation

Mouth rejuvenation using injectable filler may sound a little ‘Hollywood’ to you. Don’t be fooled, it’s an in-office hyaluronic acid injectable treatment that will have you walking out the door with a more youthful mouth in less than 45 minutes. Trust us when we say...
Get Holiday Glow Ready with VI Peel™

Get Holiday Glow Ready with VI Peel™

Don’t let the word ‘peel’ make you nervous—a VI Peel at Dr. Pisarski’s Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery is a non-invasive approach to healthier, younger looking skin with very little downtime.  You’ll feel more confident in your skin for the holidays and beyond in just 7...
Treat Your Face with Silhouette InstaLift™

Treat Your Face with Silhouette InstaLift™

Trick your lines and treat your face this month with our Silhouette InstaLift. This procedure, done under local anesthesia, is a minimally invasive way to lift sagging skin. It’s a great alternative to a traditional face lift that comes with significant downtime and...
‘Breast’ Summer Yet with Breast Augmentation

‘Breast’ Summer Yet with Breast Augmentation

Make it your ‘breast’ summer yet with breast augmentation at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery. Breast augmentation is the #1 cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States, and has increased 30% since the year 2000. Let’s talk about breast implants! As a...
Never Let Them See you Frown with Dysport®/Botox®

Never Let Them See you Frown with Dysport®/Botox®

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. A refresh to tired eyes or a lined forehead might be just the perfect pick-me-up to replace a frown and mirror that you’re feeling happy on the inside. A Dysport or Botox treatment is an easy way to...
Shed your Spots for Spring with IPL

Shed your Spots for Spring with IPL

Got spots? Consider ‘spring cleaning’ your face and chest with an IPL series. Many of our Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery patients have unwanted brown spots, freckles or redness in their skin—this redness is termed rosacea. Some patients are also unhappy with small dilated...
Smartlipo™ vs Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

Smartlipo™ vs Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

Are you stressing about summer swimwear, and considering liposuction to feel your best this summer?  If you’re feeling like you have extra fat and diet and exercise don’t seem to be doing the trick, Smartlipo may be for you!  What’s the difference between traditional...
Dear Dr P: ‘What is the Downtime with Smartlipo™?’

Dear Dr P: ‘What is the Downtime with Smartlipo™?’

Q: I would like to have Smartlipo on my outer thighs, a stubborn area that is not responding to losing weight and working out. The problem is that I can’t take a lot of time off from work. I also work out in the gym 5 times a week. What is the downtime and recovery...
Have a Smooth Valentine’s Day with ThermiSmooth

Have a Smooth Valentine’s Day with ThermiSmooth

We’re so excited to share our latest addition to our Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery treatments, ThermiSmooth! This treatment rejuvenates aging skin around the eyes, forehead, cheeks, mouth, and neck. It improves skin laxity, crepiness, and crow’s...
Quicklift: Facial Rejuvenation with Less Recovery

Quicklift: Facial Rejuvenation with Less Recovery

For those of us that don’t have the option to devote a lot of time to healing, the Quicklift offers facial rejuvenation with superior results and a quicker recovery. Often dubbed ‘the weekend facelift,’ the Quicklift is less invasive than the standard facelift which...